Categories: Experiences and daily life; Human nature
Word count/read time: 528 words; 2 minutes
I could make 100,000 different earrings and someone
will still ask, "Could you make one like this?" Certainly. Thanks for using
your imagination because mine can only come up with a few million, of which 99.99% will
never see the light of day. Including yours, unless you ask.
Likewise, don't expect to see all sizes and combinations of my two-band riveted cuffs because that would be
hundreds. The three-band version, thousands. Or every size of anything.
Do I have what you want? There are numerous options and failing that, I'll custom make it.
We have a difficult time making a decision with myriad choices. Numerous studies document
this phenomenon. People often walk away...not because they can't find something
they like but are overwhelmed by all that they like.
On-line dating is notorious for this. So easy to dismiss someone for the most trivial
reasons: eyelashes are too long; don't listen to enough, too much, or the wrong music;
eyes or hair are the wrong color; hair too long, too short, or not enough;
drink too much or drink too little; don't drink coffee; prefer home-cooked meals.
Forget that a prospective mate isn't abusive and doesn't cheat.
Forget they hold a steady job. Forget they are kind, considerate, and compassionate.
Being physically fit and attractive are inconveniences and threatening to those who are not (most people).
And on and on. Because it is far easier to teach someone
to be a good person than wear colored contacts or bleach their hair. NOT!
So we must find ways to whittle choices. Logical and rational arguments seem the most, well, logical
way to do it. When math can decide, let it speak loudly. Not to discount the emotional ping
that every human experiences when they covet something but it must be set aside
to make a sound decision.
What are some guidelines for eliminating "bad" choices? Well, for food it would be
taste. Cost may not be the biggest factor but I'd be hard-pressed to pay $30 for a jar
of gourmet pasta sauce. For some it would be organic and natural foods only.
Most pay no attention to what they eat or the consequences of those choices
which explains the twisted mentality of our food supply.
For luxury items, only the most foolish, selfish, and inconsiderate people make choices that
damage the planet, environment, or fellow humans. That
almost perfectly defines every first-world inhabitant. But then again, what's
the point of having disposable income if not used for selfish reasons? "Look at me! I'm so
rich, arrogant, and the most ignorant piece of shit that I can buy my way out of
any problems. To hell with the ones I create as a direct result of my irresponsible consumption
Too many bad choices and not enough good ones.
I offer an abundance of the latter. In food terms my items would be organic, all natural, fair trade, locally
grown, and certified. You'll have a challenging task finding a cleaner, more
pure source of metals or an equally wholesome manufacturing process.
Tell me your likes, dislikes, and budget and I will curate a selection for you.
The choice seems simple.
Posted by M: June 18, 2022
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