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This Holiday Season
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Categories: Experiences and daily life; Human nature; Commerce and business

Word count/read time: 405 words; 1-1/2 minutes gonna be interesting. When the weather outside turns frightful, activities will inevitably go indoors where covid waits patiently. Or maybe the social distancing and indoor gathering restrictions will remain. The holidays will endure nevertheless.

People will be more inclined than ever to shop on-line for free (next-day) shipping, free returns, and other beguiling perks. Mega-corporations will get the bulk of those orders. What hasn't already crippled the small mom-and-pop businesses will surely deliver another death blow. Is it too much time and effort to search for something unique - get this irony - especially when everything's a mouse click away, like that order you just placed?

Choice, good prices, and quality eventually will go away because they have no place in a monopoly. Consumers have ignored the crux of consumerism - competition - by supporting the big boys. To put it bluntly: What is pittance for some fortune 500 company would be the biggest order a small manufacturer may ever see.

Specialty and luxury markets are the first to go in times of uncertainty. Still, my handmade, eco-friendly precious metal jewelry starts at under $10! If jewelry doesn't suit your fancy then find another local treasure.

Mega-corporations will get the bulk of those orders.
There are other ways to support small businesses. Leverage the homemade advantage when it matters most. If a machine makes something similar, it is frequently going to be better. When machines can't make something in a timely or efficient manner then look to humans. Crafts, jewelry, handiwork, art, textiles, pottery, knitting, that kind of stuff.

Every person who reads this blog probably has a friend who is or knows an artist. Go buy something from them. Plug their name or product in a conversation or posting; that's free advertising any company would appreciate.

While learning about your gift, you could stumble into a new world that could shape your hobbies forever. I liken it to cable TV. There are thousands of channels yet "nothing" is on. Likewise, there are millions of gadgets but nothing to buy. Consumerism is exhausting.

Typically, craft fairs and shows would be fast and furious right now. Some outdoor venues may pop up but unless it's an Indian Summer again, those places are shrinking fast. This lockdown is stressing the whole planet, raging at whatever response the city, state, or country is taking. Counteract it with the beauty of a local craft that was made with care and consideration. Reward yourself this holiday season!

Posted by M: November 24, 2020

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