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Testing for Silver - Conclusion
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Categories: Instruction and information

Word count/read time: 523 words; 2 minutes

In summary:
  • For the most part, any singular silver test is useless aside from the assay test or refining. In practice, rely on numerous cues which encompass several testing methods.

  • Keep processes in-house if possible because you will lose some of it or the value of it: refinery charges, shipping, processing, handling. Other people know about your activities, too.

  • Know your seller, which can be difficult under the best circumstances. Know what you're buying. Ask questions.

  • A seller either knows what they have and accurately represents it or it's a scam (intentional or not). There is no middle ground.

  • Never buy precious metals with an Asian theme or origin.

  • A bad tester will think everything is silver. The validity of any single result is only as good as the one who uses it.

  • Anytime someone uses the mother or grandmother card, it is fake. That usually holds true when they say it was confirmed by a jeweler, coin store, or pawn shop.

  • Any test that rates below a 5 on the effectiveness scale is unreliable.

  • Lastly, ignorance is no longer an excuse in the digital age. If you are reading this then you have the internet at your disposal. Search for a few seconds to find what you are selling.

Summary of All Testing Methods

 Test   Destructivity   Difficulty   Accessibility   Equipment   Service   Effective   Value 
Description 1 1 1 n/a n/a 5 10
Inspection 1 1 4 n/a market 7 10
Magnet 1 1 2 $5 n/a 3 9
Heat/Cold 1 3 2 $1 n/a 2 9
Density 1 6 6 $100 tbd 6 8
XRF 2 2 7 $30,000+ $20 2 1
Ultrasound 1 2 4 $200 $20 9 8
Pitch 2 5 3 n/a n/a 3 9
Hardness 6 3 5 $900 $50 3 3
Flame 1 6 2 2 $40 n/a 5 9
Flame 2 7 2 2 $40 n/a 6 9
Acid Drop 4 3 2 $10 $15 7 9
Acid Scratch 7 4 2 $10 $15 7 9
Dissection 9 5 3 $15 $20 5 8
Assay 10 8 7 $2500 $40 10 9
Refining 10 8 8 $3000 $100 10 8
Chemical to 10 9 8 tbd tbd to 10 to 10

Key Definitions and Explanations

Destructivity - How damaging the test is; 1-10 scale: 1 is non-destructive, 10 is annihilation
Difficulty - Difficulty in carrying out the test; 1-10 scale: 1 is easy, 10 is prohibitive
Accessibility - How accessible is the equipment or methods; 1-10 scale: 1 is accessible, 10 requires government clearance
Equipment - Equipment or supplies necessary; this does not pertain to the cost to have a facility do it for you; in dollars
Service - Cost to have a facility or qualified professional do it for you; in dollars
Effective - As a standalone test performed properly, how accurately will the results determine the silver content; 1-10 scale: 1 is unreliable, 10 is foolproof
Value - A nebulous quality, this is only for the cost-to-benefit ratio and has little to do with effectiveness, difficulty, etc; 1-10 scale: 1 is useless, 10 is worth the investment

Posted by M: October 8, 2014

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