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Tool Review: Ringinator
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Category: Tool Review

I am a demanding user who values quality and well-made items that are backed with good customer service. I make my own tools so I have a different perspective than the typical consumer. Designs are called out for what they are whether good, bad, or indifferent. Trademarks and copyrights are the intellectual property of their respective owners and used for reference and/or informational purposes.

SUMMARY - How disappointing. In one sentence, here is the good thing about it: It is major letdown. Once you get over that hurdle, cut away.

The first eight or ten times I used this I've had to either replace, change, or modify something. It continues years later, as if the company was trying to frustrate their buyers. Could I have made my own by now?

The design isn't forward-thinking and the company has shown few signs of improving it. With all the modifications, I have cut some quality rings...finally.

FINAL RATINGS (0=bad to 10=good, YES/NO, N/A, or text; hover over topic for specific information)

  • Item being reviewed: Ringinator What's this all about anyway? This cuts wire coils into jump rings.
  • Manufacturer: MTL Studios, Inc.
  • Retail price: $750 Supplied by the manufacturer, discounts are likely to be found with some searching.
  • Appearance: 7 Simply, how does it look. It is somewhat subjective but clean lines, professional appearance, etc. It looks pretty good when set up. SOme cheesiness but OK overall.
  • Packaging: 7 Is it thrown into a box or packed like a new smartphone. Standard cardboard packaging got it here safely.
  • Initial set-up time: 2 After removing contents from box, how long before the first use. Expect to spend up to several hours or days before it can be used. I've had mine for a while, about 30 hours of modifications and counting.
  • "Plug and play": No Is everything included or do you need to purchase additional equipment, supplies, or parts. Nothing right away but blades won't be too far away.
  • Additional costs or equipment: 4 Not included with the purchase, what else will lighten your wallet. This requires a drill, cutting fluid, attachment parts (zip ties, hose clamps, or something similar), and some extra cutting blades. It's another $100-$200.
  • Set-up time for each use: Varies From being stored properly and completely, is it grab-and-go or much more involved. This takes about 10-15 minutes if stored dry, definitely much less if kept at the ready.
  • Storage provisions: None Factory provisions to store equipment when not in use. You're on your own here.
  • Storage time: Varies Time it takes to store it safely and completely, cleaned and lubed, liquids drained, and ready to go. Teardown takes a little longer than setting it up.
  • Ongoing costs: 6 Replacement parts from wear-and-tear, expendables, supplies, etc. This item will need blades and cutting fluid. New blades are $15-$20, cutting fluid can be bought in bulk and diluted for minimal cost.
  • Maintenance: 7 What is expected to keep the machine working properly: periodic maintenance, lubing, etc.
  • Usability: 8 Is it a pain in the ass or complicated to use. Once it gets going, it is relatively easy.
  • Functionality: 4 How well does it do its job. This had many problems so this rating only applied after fixing numerous issues.
  • Robustness: 4 Durability, how well-constructed or flimsy it is
  • Value: 2 Based on the price-vs-performance-vs-function, is it worth it. Definitely not the best value for the money. A few modifications that the manufacturer should add it would be exceptional.
  • Adjustability: 1 Can it be easily modified to accommodate different situations. Spending so much time designing and manufacturing it but having no adjustability is a big problem.
  • Meeting expectations: 2 Does it work as well as others say or the manufacturer claims. I understand why some like this machine. It's not the best but it works to a degree. The modifications I made were kinder to the coils, aligned smaller wires better, and stabilized the machine.
  • Innovation: 8 The ingenuity of the design or concept. Gotta give them credit where it's due. This is, at least in concept, briliant. Not so great in execution, but brilliant nonetheless.
  • Results: 4 This may or may not replace a manual method or previous way of doing something. In any case, what is the quality of the finished product or process. Anything below 6 - realistically, an 8 - is not jewelry quality. This rating is as it comes out of the box. After significant modifications, I think it approaches a seven.
  • Timeliness: 8 How do the results compare to the amount of time it took. If it replaces a manual method, what are the differences. This fiend pumps out rings at a prodigious rate.
  • Skill level: At least 5 What mechanical aptitude or skills does one need to set it up and use it. This item can be a cluster&%$#@. It depends on the drill as the wrong size drill will be a big problem.
  • Documentation: 6 Does it have detailed instructions, whether written (which it should no matter what) or on-line?
  • Customer service: -3 (yes, NEGATIVE 3) How quickly they respond, can you speak with someone on the phone, are their answers satisfactory. I needed assistance even before I bought one and was left hanging repeatedly.
  • Comparative: 5 If other machines or tools are available within the general price range that do the same thing, how does this compare.
  • Recommendation: 1 My personal assessment of the device - basically, would I buy it again knowing what I learned about it. I would not buy the whole machine again. At best, buy the junior kit or make your own.

Final thoughts: Lots of thought went into the original design but key elements like adjustability are missing. With a few simple manufacturing changes this would have been awesome! The time wasted getting it to work properly (based on the inflated, fake, or otherwise misleading reviews) was criminal. No one I know who owns one has spoken highly of the equipment or the customer service including people who have had custom commercial versions made for them. In time I will completely rework it leaving little more than a shell. As it is sold it is barely what I would consider a prototype.

Posted by M: September 19, 2019

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