Categories: A bit of everything
Word count/read time: 480 words; 2 minutes
Responsible can be defined as an obligation to watch over or ensure something gets done.
You can be responsible for something
but be completely irresponsible about it (your choice to shirk the duties).
Thus it can end easily in a FUBAR.
When it comes to jewelry, only in the last few years has anyone really paid
attention to how irresponsible, corrupt, and dangerous the gemstone, mining (not just
precious metals), and jewelry industries are.
The market is still flooded with blood diamonds. It is impossible to guarantee
the sanctity of precious metals because money ensures they are laden with
conflict and illegal minerals.
In general, how much environmental destruction is caused by your careless selection of jewelry that
can't be traced from table to source? How many slaves, prisoners, children, and others are
victimized and exploited so you can wear your diamond ring? How much social inequality does
all this sow? What warlord, dictator, or organized criminal outfit benefits?
Same with any goods: Foreign manufacturing reduces costs and in-your-face
visibility of the incalculable damage.
Most jewelers don't know the source and pedigree of their metals beyond the name
of their supplier. They are fine with that level of ignorance.
Jewelry is a luxury item. For someone to be so
callous about its lineage makes them a prime candidate for
first-in-line when the aliens start purging the planet of human filth.
Still, responsible jewelry is almost non-existent.
What does responsible jewelry mean to me? Here's what
should be required for every entity in the trade since our consumption habits
are not sustainable by any metric (I do them all and more):
- 100% handmade (by local or domestic artists)
- Socially responsible with fair wages
- Eco-friendly manufacturing
- Made from recycled and/or reclaimed metals
- No habitat or environmental destruction
- No new mining
- Free from blood diamonds/gemstones and conflict minerals
- Follow applicable laws
- Complete honesty and traceability regarding the entire manufacturing process
- Purchases do not support criminals, warlords, or dictators
Everyone says (pretends) these things matter because they don't want to appear like insensitive jerks.
In practice, less than 1% act this way. Don't be a hypocrite if you decry the state of our planet
yet do nothing to help it, or purposely make choices that further the damage.
Reducing first-world comforts will take a revolution since
responsibility and compassion come last when living the high life.
It's a zero-sum world so whatever luxuries befall the few mean misery for the remainder.
I rarely find anyone with half of these standards. That being said,
I will happily give you a free piece of handmade jewelry if you can find anyone who matches my
pedigree. Once a company is identified, no more prizes for
mentioning them so first come, first serve in that sense. I don't expect to be giving away
much, or any, jewelry. Ever.
Posted by M: July 11, 2022
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