Categories: Products; Instruction and information
Word count/read time: 381 words; 1-1/2 minutes
There it is. There it has been, like, forever: grandma's old silverware, great-aunt's
gold and silver jewelry hoard, father's collection of gold teeth. Doing nothing,
collecting dust, but too valuable or sentimental
to discard, donate, sell, or bequeath. But there is another option: Repurpose!
While a simple checklist or order form would be convenient, the possibilities
are far too vast. A little imagination tempered by science will guide the way.
Still, the best intentions should have a 'Plan B' as well.
It is easiest to preserve as much of the original shape and/or design since that involves the least amount
of work...and headaches. The lone fork makes a perfect pendant whose tines can hold a treasured stone
or locket. Spoons can be made into rings - both ends - with monograms and engravings preserved wholly.
Have a whole collection? Make identical pieces for each family member!
Gold and silver items can be melted down and shaped into something else
(skipping a lot of science here, it's more complicated than hitting it with a flame).
Silver cups, bowls, plates, and the like can be cut into strips to use
as rings, charms, pendants, brooches, bracelets, and more.
Jewelry is tricky. It might be marked as solid gold or silver but there are far too many
fakes or over-assayed metals to take a purity stamp as gospel. Old repairs, excessive solder,
and other things can wreak havoc on any attempt to remake it if there is soldering,
welding, or anything like that involved.
The best choice is often to refine it then start from scratch
to make your new showpiece. It will eliminate toxic or poisonous metals and ensure the purity and
metal content.
They can stay just as they are. A quality restoration or cleaning can go a long way to
imbue that ancient artifact with a new lease on life. Even damaged items can be brought to a respectable
condition in many cases. Or exchange it for something else that I make or can make.
Last case, sometimes cash is just as good. I buy precious metals for a fair market price, much
better than the 10% many pawn shops or antique dealers pay.
It all starts with what you have and what you want, a decision only you can make.
Posted by M: December 11, 2021
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