Categories: Instruction and information; Ethics and laws; Commerce and business
Word count/read time: 599 words; 3 minutes
Likely the perpetrators already knew of or planned for this "misunderstanding" that
ripped someone off. Here are some resources and links for reporting internet crimes.
Internet fraud is a felony. Contact the
FBI IFCC to file a complaint.
Small cases are filed away - I've never heard back from any complaint I've
filed - but the thief's name will be on a watchlist. Whether their fraud is reported
is up to you as they will cheat the next person anyway, even if they come
clean with you.
Postal fraud is a felony, too, and the page for reporting fraud can be
found here.
You can file such a report for any shipment, even if it doesn't use USPS.
Again, I have yet to see them do ANYTHING ever.
File a criminal complaint with your local law enforcement and their local law enforcement as well
as the attorneys general of both states. It's doubtful anything will be done but it brands them.
Though the local Chamber of Commerce and
Better Business Bureau have absolutely no enforcement
capabilities, file a complaint along with copies of substantiating documents.
At least the BBB will investigate by contacting the other party.
It might be enough leverage to recover your losses.
Again, thieves will ignore their requests.
Social media and the internet are priceless for spreading the word about these unscrupulous sellers.
Use every means at your disposal to expose them. Sometimes the thieves realize the significance
and decide you are too problematic; they may cough up what they owe to silence you.
Ask for more because of your wasted time making this person atone for their thievery.
Online payment or auction services rarely do anything to these people. Combating fraud would
result in significant revenue losses. You'll find some of the biggest offenders are the biggest sellers
with the best feedback.
Some of these sites vehemently protect the rights of the fraudsters by removing negative feedback and
allowing the scams to continue after being reported. Sellers know they can hide behind privacy
policies. So much for an open, fair marketplace, right?!
Ironically, these websites will suspend your membership if you
spread un-good information about another member. Remember, it's 1000% acceptable to use these platforms to
cheat, steal, and lie but if a victim tells the truth about what happened, they can be punished.
Send an email to the perpetrator every time you file another complaint. They will understand the
severity of what they have done though they likely will continue their
illegal activities anyway. Why should you be the person to change it? Because the more you do to
battle fraud gives the next victim more leverage and courage. Scammers thrive when no one speaks up.
The Federal Trade Commission has jurisdiction over
transactions that cross state lines and a whole bunch of other stuff. You may be able to file a complaint
with them, too. Even unknowingly selling counterfeit goods is no excuse to break the law.
The ultimate recourse is suing in small claims court. While there is little incentive for them
to appear and you will likely win by default, collecting your windfall might be a bit bumpy.
Fortunately, after a certain time has transpired their unpaid settlement can be sent to a collection
company. Sometimes you can have their property confiscated and auctioned off to pay you back. Sweet!
Of course, there are old-school methods to right these wrongs. A few broken legs would probably do
the world a whole lot of good
and make people think twice about their scams. Where's that easy button when I need it....
Posted by M: August 26, 2015
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