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Pinch-Cut Ring Excuses
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Categories: Instruction and information; Messages and statements; Jewelry

Word count/read time: 494 words; 2 minutes

There are so many it's dizzying! Why would an industry be so defiant when math and science handily show the problems associated with these jump rings? If you build with bad raw materials then any stereotype must have some merit, right?

That being said, let's get started:
  • I use pinch-cut rings so I can close the rings on the inside diameter. - Well, there is an inside, outside, and another 358 degrees of diameters plus an entire cut surface that need to be flush.
  • It lets people know a person made it. - Not really because there are plenty of ugly machine weaves out there. (Hello, McFly, handmade chains should be as flawless as possible!)
  • Every good mailler knows saw-cut rings have material removed and this weave wouldn't be possible unless I used pinch-cut ones. - Pinch-cut rings are deformed and increase the aspect ratio more than a 0.008" thick blade decreases it, so enough with the delusions. Every good mailler would use correctly sized saw-cut rings.
  • Pinch-cut rings give it an industrial, steampunk appearance. - If that's what you tell yourself about inferior rings, your minions will believe you, too. The weave is responsible for the look, not crappy rings.
  • My pinch-cut rings are cut so perfectly you don't have to close them properly to get a good closure. Think of all the time you'll save over your competitors! - He claims to value quality above all else but his actions and blog say the opposite. He epitomizes what not to be in a mailler.
  • They are easier to close. - Of course they are! When they're that deformed there's nothing that has to or can line up save a jagged, sharp sliver.
  • They are less expensive. - If $0.001 extra per ring breaks your budget then you have chosen the wrong craft. People using that excuse have little to add to the artform.
  • Both machine-cut and saw-cut rings make high-quality chainmail. - Directly from the largest ring supplier's website!
  • I cut my own rings as I have been doing for 25 years. Handmaking inferior rings bespeaks not of skill or talent. Some even weld their pinch-cut abominations. The bigger insult is calling them heirloom quality.
  • You're the first person who's complained in my ten years of making chainmaille! - I guess you have found your niche. Then again, most people would never know the difference until they see quality goods.

It's science and math, not an opinion or a subjective interpretation. Fake news and conspiracies can't kill this one. Argue incessantly and go on a verbal tirade like a cretin or just admit the facts. No harm, no foul.

The truth remains unassailable: Anyone who uses pinch-cut rings is limiting themselves to junk! It's the nature of the rings. The only acceptable use is to show how ugly they are, lol. Jewelry is not an excuse unless it has pinch-cut rings.

Posted by M: September 1, 2022

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