Categories: Projects and equipment; Commerce and business
Word count/read time: 489 words; 2 minutes
Jewelry is worn in the goldilocks zone which is roughly between the waist and head.
In a booth it is best shown there. With some creativity the other zones can be used but
don't make people kneel or crawl to see it unless it's free or for children.
Filling up a 10ft x 10ft booth can be challenging whether from too little
or too much inventory.
Blessed are those who can show it all! Others have
to pick and choose what gets shown.
Version two of my earring display was a dramatic improvement.
It's now a feng shui hiccup hogging the corner junction of two tables.
There is space for one person to check it out. Nothing else can go in front because
it forces two people into a cramped space.
The new displays would have to be easy to set up and transport
without removing product. Naturally, it must be
secure and identify as aesthetically pleasing.
Commercial displays weren't going to work.
I made breakdownable four-sided rotating racks
which tripled the earring count for the same footprint.
Two displays allow room for two people at each tower. Categorized to help
find treasures promptly, browsing is more enjoyable.
Designing and manufacturing them putzed along.
The longer it took the further they seemed from completion.
Going beyond a college effort was the only way to justify
all the time spent on this Groundhog Day loop.
As for other displays, regular bracelets used two-tier
rickety cheapos so I made a 16-tier wooden rack with space for over 100!
Necklace stands have their own problems. Meh. All
could vastly improve on items per square foot while enhancing their presentation.
They will be tricked out with a fresh perspective.
Far too few of my chain bracelets and necklaces
reside in three flip-top glass display cases consuming an entire table.
They rarely get handled so they are an ambient feature more than anything.
The cases lay flat so repositioning
and/or multi-purposing them will create coveted counter space.
It doesn't include
pendants and charms,
utensil jewelry,
Then there's the
metal origami,
metal roses,
Gyrogami ornaments, and
countless other metallic goodies.
Various ornaments could
hang from the "ceiling" and stack/arrange in layers. Sculptures
could be stationed anywhere.
My current layout would be overwhelmed with that much stuff.
Small changes like this earring display will do wonders for tastefully displaying
more products.
Whatever the display, it will be sufficient...until it isn't.
Growing pains are inconvenient but they keep it real. The next
version for any given display begins to take shape the moment a new one gets
created. Avoiding the "I should haves"
is priority numero uno. That's why I know this earring display is a winner
for at least a while, though I'm already thinking of the next version.
Posted by M: January 27, 2024
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