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It's that time

Categories: Experiences and daily life; Commerce and business

Word count/read time: 427 words; 2 minutes

Nothing to jolt some sensibility, fear, or motivation into you like loss. The lessons death teaches us are learned no other way, a cauldron of new emotions that boisterously bubbles.

They say that life is 99% how you experience the 1% that happens to you. Whether I look at the glass as half-full or bottomless, these feelings will suck ass for eternity. Death and taxes, right? And an element of fear and uncertainty about what's next.

My empire, in a standstill like a lot of industries, is also going to experience loss. Loss isn't bad if what you lose is burdensome, painful, or it makes way for better things. There is an element of gain with most losses but the positives are difficult to see in times of grief.

I've been paying rent (and taxes, lol) long enough so it's time for the ultimate change. I would rather ditch winter altogether but that's not going to happen in the boonies along the Canadian border.

My inheritance will be shy of a proper down payment. But I have silver. As beautiful and precious as it might be, it's an investment. That means dipping into the vaults and melting some awesome pieces. The remainder will be put up for sale, and if that fails, most will continue to the melt pile.

Dollies and moving blankets and loading straps, oh my!
Selling them might get another $5 or $15 apiece but not if it takes another hour. It also must cover commission fees plus be at least what I can get as raw silver. It may not even sell; that's wasted time for potentially hundreds of items.

The most efficient, though not lucrative, way to liquidate is to actually liquidate the furnace. Not enough time for anything else.

There are many real estate arrangements that would work. A roomy loft or decent studio would satisfy current needs but there'd have to be at least a few other rooms. Workspace and storage matter tremendously. A multi-car pre-fab metal garage/workshop on a cement slab is a possibility.

This is being treated as my final destination though I'm open for possibilities. Lots of my stuff is in totes already. I've begun jettison, donate, sell, and dump-in-hated-neighbors'-yards piles. Regardless, it will probably require two packed trips in a 26ft moving truck. Dollies and moving blankets and loading straps, oh my!

There's a remote possibility that some friends might want to join forces to expand our buying options. A compound for nature and creativity? A bed and breakfast? Artist retreat? Our own freakin' cult!? OMG! I hear the koolaid is to die for!

Posted by M: April 10, 2021

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