Categories: Products; Instruction and information; Jewelry
Word count/read time: 403 words; 2 minutes
It can be sooo easy: buy pre-made parts, assemble them,
attach earwires, package them. But what about all the real work
sellers bypass using this method? They won't be handmade, for one thing.
Sometimes it's difficult to describe or define a comfortable earring on looks alone.
It moves around so what is its preferred pendulum path? What torque load
does it place on the piercing? While size is subjective, weight is
something to minimize as much as possible.
Take a look at my
diamond shape
series. Originally with 15 widths and 16 heights at 1/8" increments,
it meant having templates for 240 shapes! Eliminating ones that are wider than taller
still left over 100; paring it down to 1/4" size differences made it more palatable.
in the location of the widest part, which is four or more for each length and width,
means there can only be a carefully curated collection among the hundreds of
shapes. Anyone can request a custom size.
The same math thing happens with
minus the drama of the wide part.
can be shaped several ways at any size.
Circular discs
only have diameter to worry about. Designs made with jump rings are limitless.
That's just the unfinished "canvas" and few are content with unmodified pieces.
Textures include hammered, dimpled, cratered, brushed, grinded, folded, chiseled, and more.
The shape can be altered by twisting, doming, and whatnot.
Full Persian 6-in-1
forms a great hanging chain when done properly.
Graduated sizing elevates it to another level.
It's ideal for earrings.
Commercial wire and jump rings cannot accommodate such a build because the difference
between successive sizes is too large.
I manufacture my own wire and rings as needed.
Had the dozen pairs not been 100% handmade they could have been
completed substantially quicker. Had they not been eco-friendly welded masterpieces
it would have taken a short afternoon instead of four long days.
As a matter of fact, it took nearly a day just to manufacture the jump rings and findings!
Had they not featured welded bails they'd be less durable while distinctly lacking quality.
Many earrings don't have bails, never mind welded ones, with
earwires attached directly to the body.
Doing it without compromises is more than just assembling a pile of parts.
It's "only" an earring yet they are critically visible.
As small as they might be, they make a big statement. Get the real deal.
Posted by M: June 11, 2023
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