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I've Been Served
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Categories: Experiences and daily life; Commerce and business

Word count/read time: 272 words; 1-1/2 minutes

Egads! Just what I don't need, to be served! Fortunately, it is not a legal proceeding but a cyberspace issue. Switching service providers for my websites. Twice in three months to be precise. XYZ continued to dis-improve with every improvement. Sometime you just get fed up with bad customer service. Despite the extra work, it was time to change.

Switched to ZYX but they bungled the transfer. More than two months passed. They wanted to charge me for the free migration they promised. The thing is, they failed to do their job within their 30-day grace period and tried to hold me responsible anyway. What a great business model...I'd be rich if I could do the same!

Come to find out both are owned by the same company so good riddance! I'm not a doctor but know that someone with a severed carotid artery needs serious medical attention. I'm not a webpage designer but both of these companies are hemorrhaging common sense.

What a great business model...I'd be rich if I could do the same!
Changing website providers is messy. It remains to be seen whether ABC hosting will be any better. Hundreds of pages will have to be updated, the blogs with a new look, and more. Plus, I will be changing the appearance and making other improvements. Thankfully a little coding will automate the process.

For about $300 they'd migrate everything but I'd still have to update all pages and links so I did it myself. The pictures, however, could be transferred without fanfare. Stuck with only a DSL connection, thousands of pictures took forever. Product pictures are frequently updated so there'll be a constant stream of data one way or the other.

Posted by M: October 31, 2022

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