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I Used the 'Mother' Excuse
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Categories: Humor and sarcasm; Experiences and daily life

Word count/read time: 424 words; 2 minutes

I can purchase a motor home that is really a bus tricked out with living accoutrements and drive it off the lot with a class D license. If I wanted to drive that same vehicle and it wasn't mine I would need a class A commercial license with air brakes (and passenger) endorsements.

The test for such a license is expensive, stressful, and restrictive as not every person is capable of driving a large rig. I had the opportunity to get such a license when I worked for a bus company; the responsibility of driving such a large vehicle or worrying about passengers was not on my docket.

It gets fuzzy when you rent a truck. Vehicles have weight limits. Commercial vehicles are required to stop at weigh stations for inspection but a privately rented commercial vehicle for personal use is exempt. Or so I was told.

When your vehicle gets impounded you can kiss everything inside goodbye.
I got pulled over. A bunch of questions later and he was about to start writing citations, impound the vehicle with all my stuff inside. When your vehicle gets impounded you can kiss everything inside goodbye. It's a perk for the tow truck operators and yard lot attendants - they are not responsible for personal belongings.

Using the stereotypical mother excuse is pretty desperate and low. It is solely about blaming someone else, shirking all responsibility. The person is trying to pull a scam of some sort by making the complainer feel bad because they just insulted someone's mother. It seems most effective when said mother is deceased.

None of these applied (save the deceased part) so I didn't feel so bad. I further explained my history with vehicles as a certified vehicle inspector for my previous state's inspection system. I detailed my efforts to find the laws that pertained to driving a rental. Showed him the call list on my phone.

Maybe I briefly touched on the horror story I just went through to get to the house and how it continued with this rental and being pulled over. I might have acci-purposely let it slip that most of what I was moving was my late mother's estate.

Due to the choreographed packing of all households at the rear of the truck just for this reason, only appliances and furniture were visible. A quick flip of the door was all the evidence he needed. I said I was this state's newest resident as well and maybe as a token of good will he could let this transgression slide as a welcome gift.

I still have a perfect driving record because I didn't actually have to use the mother defense but it was at the ready. Nor did I get pulled over but where else am I going to get blog ideas without some creative freedom?

Posted by M: August 25, 2023

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