Categories: Messages and statements; Human nature; Commerce and business
Word count/read time: 632 words; 2-1/2 minutes
Many factors affect jewelry's prices.
They include great buzzwords manufacturers often use without regard for
what the law states. However, educated and discriminating consumers are concerned.
Handmade - It is
legally defined
for jewelry. It has become meaningless except to
defraud and confuse buyers.
Made from or with recycled, reclaimed, etc. - Sellers have creative "interpretations"
that may be as simple as using soy-based ink. Hardly in the spirit of what it should mean.
Eco-conscious - People interpret this however paints their products
best. Most sellers don't know the pedigree of their materials.
You can't put a price tag on a habitable planet but we can
certainly tally up how much we've spent/earned exploiting it!
Welded or soldered - It's will look immeasurably better and be passed
through the generations. Not all welds are
created equal
so it's no panacea. Avoid precious metals that are not welded or soldered - they are inferior goods
worth little more than their scrap weight.
Socially responsible -
Conflict minerals?
Forced, prison, or child labor? Fair treatment of workers?
It's insulting to indulge in luxury desires with no regard for other entities.
Even world governments realize commercial silver and gold pools are
polluted with illegal metals!
Quality - Every manufacturer claims it's important. The marketplace
says otherwise. Compromises and quantity define jewelry manufacturing today.
Lifespan - Our disposable product society,
fast fashion, and their kin cannot be sustained.
Products that don't last for many years are pathetic. People needing a habitable planet must see
the connection.
Actions - Honor. Not arguing with
science. Accepting responsibility for bad decisions. NOT!
Chainmaille attracts some bad apples more than any other art/craft except maybe
prison tattoo (but at least the inkers have talent)!
They will do whatever is necessary to sell their goods.
Lawfulness - Illegally hallmarked, fake handmade, rusting or oxidized
corrosion-resistant metals, impure and counterfeit precious metals. The chainmaille
industry is not so honest. It's difficult
to compete against such illegal and juvenile antics.
Locality - Where does it come from? What energy and resources were wasted
to transport all the components? Can you meet the artist?
Does the money stay local or fund some tycoon's 9th vacation home,
someone with no interest in preserving the local economy?
Buying from distant mega-corporations ruins small businesses, neighborhoods, and cities.
Free next-day shipping, free returns, and one-click ordering are hypnotic.
Price - Someone else isn't selling an "identical"
piece to mine for less.
Price and value
are nebulously intertwined. Try finding a handmade, precision welded, custom, eco-friendly,
socially responsible, and forged precious metal stacker ring for $10 anywhere else!
Conclusion - These aspects succinctly define exceptional products that
highlight how to be responsible and respectful to the environment and people.
Every consumer says these things matter to avoid sounding insensitive and selfish.
However, those who act on their moral convictions are a statistical anomaly. The remainder
turn a blind eye to the damage their buying habits cause.
Think twice. No, think three times about what you purchase.
By no means do I walk the moral tightrope. At least you can make a conscious, informed
decision about squandering limited resources and wrecking natural habitats.
The inconvenient truth is that those who can't afford to responsibly purchase (luxury) items
don't deserve to own them! That means gluttonous first-world inhabitants
since our unsustainable consumerism is the biggest harbinger of planetary
annihilation. We'd extinct ourselves quickly if the entire world behaved this way.
There is no fault in hounding out a good deal but
if compromises, mistruths, and "Who knows what you're actually getting
or what it's doing to the planet and people"
matter most, your enthusiasm will be warmly greeted elsewhere.
Now proudly parade your prized possessions and show the world you are its destroyer!
Or shop here and change the narrative.
Posted by M: December 3, 2021
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