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Ironing the Shower Curtain
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Categories: Instruction and information; Projects and equipment; Humor and Sarcasm

Word count/read time: 380 words; 1-1/2 minutes

"Sorry I can't go because I have to iron the shower curtain tonight."

Can you imagine trying to use that line to cool down an internet romance? Maybe that's not a good one to use. Ever. Especially if it is true.

Taking pictures is an art form. Modern point-and-shoot cameras, phone cameras, and myriad electronics do wonders for us idiots. It won't make a pro out of someone but it has given opportunities to lots of people. Digital files replace chemicals, paper, and film for virtually no cost.

So, a good camera helps but the talent shows when it's old-school methods. Indoors, outdoors, regular or filtered lenses, natural or set-up shots, what is your fancy? SLR or something else, option for regular film or full digital? Lenses, photoshop software. It'd be easy to drop the cost of a used car in camera equipment.

Nature is cool. Seeing it is enough for some while others like pictures. I'll leave pictures to the pros. If there is a cool shot then I'll pull out my phone. Photos in the mail are getting ancient.

A fly on the wall will be picked up by the mirror surface.
Pictures and videos are how we do it in the digital age. It's not about being a professional photographer but covering the basics: every side, direction, even the top and bottom, maybe more if it's weird or unusual; close-ups of the part number or serial number; damaged areas; maybe a few action or real-life perspectives.

An indoor photo booth just shy of a cubic yard is enough for me. It's gone through a few iterations. Still more improvements to make, a never ending battle.

A flawless, linear-curved metal form and polished platter will be the most challenging thing to photograph especially since silver is the most reflective metal. A fly on the wall will be picked up by the mirror surface. That's what made all these improvements necessary. The booth would be adequate for anything else but it's not quite up to passing the teapot, teaset, tray test.

The vinyl shower curtain had fold marks that would remain for life and clearly showed up in the reflection. Cutting and shaping it was next to impossible. Out with the iron. After toasting and disfiguring the spare pieces to dial in the settings, I spent 30 minutes flattening the main part.

Posted by M: July 14, 2019

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