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Categories: Experiences and daily life

Word count/read time: 348 words; 1-1/2 minutes

Popup camper is gone. Last year had no camping because of covid. Plus, my truck blew its motor at the beginning of the year so it couldn't tow anything (still not fixed, UGH!). Dealing with the pandemic lockdowns and restrictions was a huge burden for everyone but if my car went out at any time, then/now was best. So says the eternal pessimist, lol.

Sellers' market. Keep hearing that over and over. I was listening to the "worst-ofs" real estate radio broadcast recently. The horror stories of what buyers do or accept as part of the sale are unbelievable. I was not looking forward to buying a house in the weirdest market in forever.

This lifestyle squeeze has affected other items. Cars are ridiculously expensive. Yeah, about that car thing. I'm not thrilled about having to buy one in the next few months. Living in sticksville without a car is doable but not when traveling hundreds of miles to shows and events with a truckload of stuff.

Campers are in BIG demand. Mine is in excellent condition and looks far younger than the old teenager it is. The popup pandemic premium is higher compared to houses. A low-ball haggle-free price made it an easy sell in today's market.

So says the eternal pessimist, lol.
I honored the order of callers so that he who called first got dibs at whatever price. I've lost out too many times to this unwritten rule so I wasn't gonna be the ass to someone else. Like waiting in line only to have the cashier in the next aisle take the person behind you, who's been waiting less time.

Within 12 hours of posting, 18 people had replied. By the time it was sold the next day we had to return more than 60 "Sorry, it was sold!" emails! That's when you know the price was fair. The new owner will enjoy a touch of comfort.

It will be missed. Not as much as my silver but a close second. Perhaps the future will bring another camper at a fair price because camper camping is preferred over tent camping.

Posted by M: January 28, 2021

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