Cavi in full battle armor Beware - small but ferocious
Categories: Humor and sarcasm
Word count/read time: 495 words; 2 minutes
In the USA, people spend billions of dollars on pet clothing each year!
Someone even made scale maille battle armor for their guinea
pig and donated its hefty price to charity. Funny, many animals we call
pets in this country are food in another, or meals for other pets.
Regarding small rodents, a device gives some cage-free
time to these pint-sized oxygen burners. Everyone is familiar with the
running wheel.
Enter the gerbil sphere. It's like the wheel but it isn't for inside the cage.
It's unlike the wheel because it is a ball and can go any direction.
What a novel idea. Until I thought about it for a moment and my mind began wandering.
A wandering mind can be dangerous and twisted.
So here's this gerbil making tracks through the house in their ball. Small rodents shit a lot.
Without anything but instinct running through their pea-sized brains,
they ain't potty trained. As they run, shit must be flying in every direction, propelled by the centripetal
force of the sphere. The bigger the rodent, the quicker they run, the more shitballs flying everywhere, faster,
and further away.
No need to worry about losing them - just Hansel-and-Gretel the poop trail.
What happens when they pee? It must be like a urine powerwasher
gone amok. How's that carpet? Those nice cork or wooden floors?
The furniture? Even if it doesn't go flying everywhere, a marinated and shit-peened rodent
can't be pleasant.
Poop is flammable (eventually). Is there a fire hazard if open flames or smoldering cinders are nearby?
Does their diet influence how flammable their poo is? What colors the flames are, like adding sodium or
barium salts to fireworks to get nifty colors? Beware of the drive-by shittings!
Now it's more than the mess. There are meteor fecal footballs flying everywhere!
When the cage catches fire, it's a panicked rodent doing Mach 3 to get away from itself.
These shit-sphere shuffling super rodents turn into fireball tumbleweeds.
Say goodbye to the house.
I've never heard a rodent fart before, never done gas diffusion to find out the
constituent gases, but they can't be much different than humans. Highly flammable, no doubt.
Light some incense to cover up the nasty smell and
unbeknownst to you there's a flamethrowing cavi taking aim at the family dog.
Or maybe they explode in a heap of entrails, who knows!
Maybe they could put a herd (gaggle, pride, whatever) on the ninja TV show and have the contestants
go through a labyrinth, their score directly tied to how few burns and injuries they get.
It wouldn't be gerbils, hamsters, or guineas running patrol - they could be drop kicked
like yesterday's bad soccer game.
Enter the king of rodents, the 140lb capybaras.
To add a little zest gladiator-style, they'd be inside spiked and razor-blade studded
spheres. Flaming scat would be the least of the worries. It's armageddon revisited. Pay homage to the
Princess Bride. Lemmiwinks would be proud.
Posted by M: February 29, 2020
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