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Free Energy
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Categories: Messages and statements; Human nature

Word count/read time: 466 words; 2 minutes

The do-gooder fantasy about such a marvel would be suspect in the hands of humans. We are not evolved enough to safely utilize anything that purports to save the world. Something this powerful would give us more reason to exploit, torment, control, or do "other than" beneficial things with it.

There are credible stories that free energy had already been created repeatedly but certain entities/organizations took offense to it. The creators and their science disappeared under more-than-dubious circumstances.

Let's assume someone solves it. Thanks to the internet they could post it for the whole world to see before a more-than-dubious circumstance happened. If someone else downloaded the technology I'm certain the government has a doomsday button to scour all hard drives, all clouds, all of cyberspace to ferret out those in possession of such information.

Let's say, for shits and giggles, that someone memorized the information and was able to construct such a device. Control, oppression, and avarice are the main goals of world leaders and big business. Anything that interferes with their directives would not be tolerated. Again, the unfortunate soul would experience an untimely demise.

The last resort if such information couldn't be controlled/mitigated would be outlawing the technology. The metals, substances, ingredients, and anything else "physical" would be restricted as much as nuclear technology. It would give those who are in power even more control. Obviously, they would not be so generous giving it away for free to maximize their profits and riches.

A healthy dose of propaganda would scare the sheep into believing that anyone who used or possessed such technology is a terrorist. The death penalty would be polished off to greet dissenters whether delivered through the court system or selective enforcement (assassination) justified by some Patriot Act subclause.

How about reducing the 60%-70% of electricity that is lost traveling to its final destination!
Let's fancy the fairy tale and say none of this transpired. The energy was available for all. Due to those pesky laws of physics, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed. Free energy would mostly be transformed into heat. Everyone would have A/C in every room, needlessly waste energy (no need to conserve or be judicious with freebies), and every industry would go crazy producing. Global warming would accelerate to unprecedented levels.

Free energy? How about reducing the 60%-70% of electricity that is lost traveling to its final destination! Never mind the global warming from all the energy we create, 2/3 of it never reaches its destination! Though "alternative" energy sources were supposed to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, they just added to the energy we consume, added to the pollution, added to the warming.

As much as free energy is a great idea in principle, nothing is without cost. Whether immediate human and social misery or exacerbated planetary devastation, that is our destiny and perhaps our impending legacy.

Posted by M: December 26, 2022

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