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Choked Out
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Categories: Products; Experiences and daily life; Jewelry; Human nature

Word count/read time: 293 words; 1-1/2 minutes

At least some people - whether 20% or 80% - don't wear jewelry. It may be a health thing (allergies), functional (it gets in the way), aesthetic (not needed), whatever. Not for me to decide but hear me out.

I wear bracelets but haven't yet found a chain pattern for whatever reason so it's cuffs or their equivalent instead. For necklaces I prefer close-fitting chains, i.e. a choker. Chokers, like proper cuff bracelets, stay where you put them.

Then there's a more curious situation when someone can't wear a chain necklace due to the choking sensation. It doesn't matter how loose-fitting even if it can slip easily over the head. We might not understand the nuances behind it but it's real.

The way/how it contacts the neckline is drastically different, almost weightless.
This is not a scientific experiment but there's merit to these necklaces not feeling like they are strangulating their owners. The way/how it contacts the neckline is drastically different, almost weightless. It's not obtrusive or unwelcome. It has surprised many from this group.

As for why it's OK when other (chain) necklaces aren't? Doubtful it's great salesmanship. Might be a placebo, who's to say? On the baseline its structural specs - thickness, width, twist pattern - give it a unique feel, springiness, and appearance. Size matters though smaller seems better, i.e. like a choker.

At a show, one of these necklaces didn't have a clasp installed...or was it foretold? While I was harvesting one from another piece the customer requested no clasp because it would be too restrictive. In any case, there will be a dainty hook clasp unless told otherwise.

You'll find a curated selection here that highlights many possibilities. Design your own and it will be ready quickly. Or "test drive" one during a show. None have come back yet.

Posted by M: November 2, 2024

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