Categories: Instruction and information; Messages and statements; Ethics and laws; Commerce and business
Word count/read time: 533 words; 2-1/2 minutes
Computerized banking systems
have changed the game for everyone. It gives consumers access to their
information from afar. Purchases are a few clicks. Record-keeping, budgets, and everything
numbers could be consolidated.
For those with harmful intentions, a few mouse clicks can take
anything not bolted to the floor. Barring that, the private sector steps in.
Look at the 2008 real estate crash so
brilliantly engineered by the financial industry. Everything and the kitchen sink fell victim.
We collectively have riches with silver and gold reserves.
Not the Fort Knox stuff but what people own. One article of war -
we seem to be in permanent war with some nebulous enemy - allows the government
to confiscate precious metals to fund it, often without compensation.
However, they don't need war. FDR criminalized ownership of
gold bullion in 1933 to bail out...the banking system.
We have repeatedly
bailed out rich bankers, entire industries, businesses too big to fail, and more.
When has it rescued the average person?
Less draconian property grabs have occurred like when 90% silver pre-1965
coins were ordered to be turned in for fiat paper money.
The final nail
happened when Nixon nixed the dollar being tied to the gold standard.
Money or stores of wealth may only be bytes in the future.
Derivatives, futures, whatever.
Precious metals will no longer be owned or possessed but
rented electronically. The seeds are sown.
Most things we consume are from
"elsewhere" instead of domestic manufacturing. This handicaps our self-sufficiency.
We will be screwed if we become isolated. One swoop of any number of
presidential pens will cripple us. Serious civil strife would follow.
The recent tariffs by POTUS make the optimist ask a few questions. Will it help the average person?
Are big corporations profiting from it?
It looks like, again, it's funded by the commoner.
The pessimists and realists, sometimes labeled as conspiracy theorists,
know that Big Brother is gonna get your money or make it unusable to you. It'll start by baiting us with cheap
phones and TVs, easy credit, living beyond our means. Then taxes, decrees, martial law or executive emergency,
and then a show of force.
What can we do? Conserve, recycle, buy local, barter, use
co-ops, support renewable energy. Ditch over-consumerism and over-capitalism because they are unsustainable.
The growing gap between haves and have nots
has failed our country and the world as a whole.
Which brings me to a quote that I heard recently: Abraham Lincoln said to be weary of internet
facts because you never know if they're true. Al Gore, the inventor of the internet, agrees.
UPDATE 7/25/2022: Some countries are adopting a
The threat to freedom is unheralded. Our
reliance on digital everything has one outcome: ultimate control over what we can do.
Eventually they will come knockin' even if you "have nothing to hide."
They'll want to know about it anyway.
If the stocks and banks and real estate left you untouched then how about the criminals?
The hacking of digital currencies will continue until something - I'm not
sure what - is done to fix it. Instead of physically
robbing someone they can do so from a non-extradition country at their leisure.
Posted by M: September 14, 2018
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